The accountability I got on Virta helped me lose 60 pounds: Tammy’s story

Published on 
April 17, 2018
August 13, 2024

If it weren’t for Virta, I wouldn't be able to do what I do now. In two years, I lost 60 pounds, relieved my chronic pain, and I have so much stamina and energy that I’ve taken up welding on the weekends. Creating metal art has been a long-time dream of mine that I am now able to do.

Tammy, before Virta and after 2 years in the treatment

For me, Virta is accountability, and that accountability has proven especially helpful for my second year in the treatment. I lost 50 lbs in the first year and only 10 in the second, but I went down 3 dress sizes with the last 10 pounds. The scale didn't move much in that second year, but my body changed. I call it shape-shifting.

Without Virta, I would have done what I've done every other time I've lost 50 lbs and stalled—I would have thrown my hands up in the air and given up.  Stalls are hard to work through. You have to believe what in what you are doing. You have to trust the process. This time, I had lots of talks with my health coach, who opened my mindset to not to dwell on the scale. I had to start looking at those non-scale victories, and it's really hard to do on your own.

I have had chronic muscle pain for years. Through Virta, my pain has gone down, and it was during that second year that I felt my body started unlocking.  The pain going away allowed me to do the things I’ve always wanted to do. I took up welding on weekends!

I made this for Dr. Sarah Hallberg because Dr. Hallberg and my health coach believed in me, and that belief helped me stick to Virta.

For those thinking about doing Virta, all I can say is to do it.

To succeed at this, you've gotta believe in the process and follow it through.  And if you don't feel confident enough that you're going to stick to it on your own, you need to sign up for that second year. Virta will change your life. It has changed mine!  For me there is no going back. I cannot wait to see where Virta takes me next.

Icon: Envelope with card coming out, featuring Virta spark on the front

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